Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Give Thanks (Pt 2)
Of course they were there to see one of the most awaited Disney flicks other than Monsters University. Even more, it's a Disney's fairytale movie that was said to be the best one since Beauty and the Beast. Come on, who's not down for it?
Give Thanks (Pt 1)
This might be the last post for me before I have to prepare for finals. It's week 13 y'all!!!! As I mentioned last time that I'm not going out of town for Thanksgiving. Some people do but I choose to stay in LA since some of my friends from the Bay Area came to visit.
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The first dinner that started my Thanksgiving break started slightly roughly for me, not that bad but it shifted a bit out of the plan: on Wednesday late afternoon, I was still having a class. It was an individual critique day where students put their names on the list and took turns for the critique with the professor. Unlike last week, I got to the campus earlier than I thought and I managed to get the earliest critique time as possible (I was the fifth out of 15 students in total). So I finished and wrapped up quickly at 3.30 pm and decided to chill a bit with my friends, as well as making some corrections according to the crit I had.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Fascinated by Cruise Ships and Ocean Liners
Despite the fact that finals week is coming in two weeks, I decided not to do anything exhausting for Thanksgiving. I'm saving up for winter break trip. It would be highly impossible to do homework during the break while on vacation at the same time. So I decided to stay in LA and instead, welcome all my friends who will be coming to visit later.
Anyway, I might have something that I haven't shared to you readers. Don't worry, nothing bad. I've been into cruise ships and ocean liners these days. Yeah, that might sound a little strange for you. Obsessed on cruise ships? Who does that? I do.
The "Meh"-est Year: A pretty shitty reflection (Part 1)
A Bruin, A Trojan, An Orange Dot (Part 2)
Thursday, November 21, 2013
"Every cloud has a silver lining"
I've been feeling so unenergized today. First, it's raining. I bothered to move my lazy butt off just to go to a lecture class, which is essentially a sleepy one too. A medium cup of hot vanilla latte didn't help. I dozed off at some points in class. Then I took a shuttle to South Campus for another class. Yes, I've been taking public transportations and occasionally carpooling with friends and my roommate since my car is being repaired right now.
However, that's not the point. I see the silver lining of not having a car. I took public transportations and I've been enjoying it ever since I sent my car to the body shop. It's true that the wait was a pain, but I felt I blended more with the city vibe by taking bus rides. I blended more with the people, with the community, something I've never felt before ever since I started to drive in LA.
However, that's not the point. I see the silver lining of not having a car. I took public transportations and I've been enjoying it ever since I sent my car to the body shop. It's true that the wait was a pain, but I felt I blended more with the city vibe by taking bus rides. I blended more with the people, with the community, something I've never felt before ever since I started to drive in LA.
A Bruin, A Trojan, An Orange Dot (Part 1)
They're obviously close friends, though ironically, their colleges are rivals to each other. Anyway, my friends were nice enough to offer me tours around their campuses. As someone who hails from a private college whose campus building only takes form of a black long box stretching over an arroyo on Pasadena hills, other campus visit experiences are always priceless.
Monday, November 18, 2013
The Toughest Day of the Week
Monday, November 4, 2013
Another post in less than 2 days! Ta-daaa... Okay, I swear this is going to be my last post about my birthday, and afterwards, we'll talk about other things. Well, to tell you the truth, other than my birthday, there isn't so much going on: just homework and hanging out with my friends.
Anyway, my birthday was a blast!! I thought it was going to be plain since my life in Art Center isn't as lavish as any other university life, nor my previous life in community college. I was still struggling with my homework on my birthday eve. I worked my butt off past midnight and it took me a while to realize that that day was my birthday. Anyway, here are a couple of highlights from the day I turned legal.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
The perks of being a twenty-oner
Hey blog, I hope you're not dying yet, cos I'm giving you one breath of life in form of a post.
Oh God I feel so discouraged to write posts these days because I feel my English is getting worse. Excuse me for going to an art school where they don't often assign you essays to improve your writing skills.
Hey guys, I'm back, and proudly, as a twenty-one year old. Haha do you hear that? I'm a proud twenty-one year old!! I've been waiting all my life (no, actually I've been waiting for it since three years ago) to actually reach this age. On the other hand, I'm getting older though.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Indonesia for the Break!
How is everybody doing? I'm glad I finally got to write another post, and even better, from my own hometown!!! Sorry for the lack of post for the past month. I've been slain by projects, finals, and moving. Moving after finals was a pain, especially knowing that your other friends headed home to pass out on their beds after the last day of finals while you were on your way to Uhaul to pick up a moving truck.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Magic Happens - Pt 04
disney park,
theme park
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Magic Happens - Pt 03
disney park,
theme park
Friday, July 5, 2013
Magic Happens - Pt 02
When we were done
meeting Merida, the four of us hung out in Fantasyland.
disney park,
theme park
Magic Happens - Pt 01
You might be familiar with the
so-called “Dreams come true” term popularized by Disney has
apparently proven itself on me. A week after Sherin, Tiffany, and I
met, and after Vinny came to the States, Tiffany came up with the
idea of going to Disneyland. Even better, she has a friend who works
there and can give us discounted tickets. Then it was decided and
confirmed that we
would go there on June 29.
So June 29, 2013 was probably the most
memorable date in my whole 3 years of living in US, well, at least
for a fan of Disney like me. You know that I traveled for a week or
so to Orlando to visit Walt Disney World roughly two years ago.
Ironically, despite having lived in California for 3 years as a
student, I have never visited Disneyland nor California Adventure. I
did visit it twice though, first when I was seven and the latest one
was back in 2009 when I had to make up an excuse to ditch school by
saying I was sick.
disney park,
theme park
Friday, June 21, 2013
Happy 484th Birthday, Hometown
That sounds more like Jakarta.
So dear Mr. Jokowi, I have high hopes on you. You already make a good impression as a well-respected high figure with humble personality, so I hope that lives up to your duty as well as the governor of Jakarta :)
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Unproductive Weekend
I had to say that last weekend is probably the most unproductive weekend of my entire Art Center history. I usually worked on my homework over the weekend, or at least on Sunday (Sunday is my homework day yay). But forget about last weekend. All I did was chilling, hanging out, eating, and sleeping - it might sound like something most of us do in spare time.
On Friday, after working on Materials homework, Irene, Han, and I had a dinner in Savoy Kitchen. It's a Chinese restaurant in Alhambra widely known for its Hainan Chicken Rice. It feels good to finally get a taste of it after a while not eating it. This particular good has always been one of my favorites back in Indonesia, and everytime I travel to Singapore, I always have this for almost every meal.
By the way, excuse the picture quality. I've been taking pictures using my crappy Blackberry camera feature.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Look Closely - Now You See Me Review [Spoiler Alert]
"First rule of magic: always be the smartest person in the room."
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
You are cordially invited...
...to the biggest most narcissistic event of the year
I'm just kidding
Well, yeah, this video essentially takes narcissism to the next level.
Yesterday, I was looking through a list of interesting flash websites to find one that's most fitting for my project. It wasn't until I found Museum of Me out of all links, which is an interactive feature created by Intel in collaboration with Facebook. I actually figured out about this interactive app for quite a while. However, I just found myself mesmerized with it even more this time because these days because, art school life has affected me to appreciate exhibitions and museums. After seeing quite some art galleries and exhibitions, it's great to have one for my own that Intel has brought to life.
Scroll down for video.
Monday, June 3, 2013
I'm glad that the semester kicked off pretty well for me. I got to make new friends and managed my workload pretty well, even though at some points procrastination just had to come to play.
This semester, I surprisingly met a lot more Indonesian students at my school this semester. Some are even students who started at the same term as I did, but I never got a chance to meet them. Before the semester even started, I met two new Indonesian students while I was doing peer mentor - one guy and one girl. How I became acquainted with them was pretty awkward though, since whenever I spotted them around, I couldn't help but to strongly assume that they're Indonesians just from seeing their faces. This was proven true when they finally got to speak Bahasa with each other while I was nearby.
Indonesian students at my school are pretty much all over the place, but we never flop at one spot in the cafeteria and chat with a super loud voice from across the room (sounds like people that I know?). So you get to imagine what it's like to find one among the haystack of Art Center community, and you can finally let your tongue loose by speaking your native language :)
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Two Ultimate Dumbness of the Week (Oh God, Why?)
Yes, I made two silly mistakes in two consecutive days. Nothing really personal or serious though, so don't worry. Just pure dumbness hahaha.
Monday, May 27, 2013
SP 13: The Other Side of LA - Pt 2
Moving onto the second part!
After an exhausting day the day before,
Elda and I woke up groggily quite early in the morning. Okay, 7.30 am. Half an
hour later than planned, but we were so darn tired. We still had
plenty of places to go to. Apparently, we spent quite some time
talking in front of the bathroom door for a couple of minutes. In the
end, we took off from my apartment at around 10. Before heading to
our first destination of the day, Warner Bros Entertainment, we
dropped by at McD to get our breakfast. I had an egg muffin and so
did Elda. I also needed to go to an auto service to get my car
briefly checked, since the day before, the Maintenance Required light
just flashed. Actually it wasn't as critical as I thought, but I was
just afraid my car would break down in the middle of freeway. After a
quick check, the staff told me nothing was critical.
Okay, let's head
straight to the first destination of the day, Warner Bros
Entertainment! When you think of a studio tour, you might think of
Universal Studios, but this time, it's different. Warner Bros might
not have a fancy theme park full of special effects. But the tour
would be longer and more detailed as we would get to walk through
some props and sets!
disney park,
Los Angeles,
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Band saw and Laid
Hey guys,
Guess what, it's a long weekend! I won't have class on Monday, which is good. What makes it even better, the homework load is not as crazy as I thought. But I know I will regret for saying this in the latter.
This term, I'm taking the last required class for integrated studies, and that is Materials of Art and Design. Honestly, I'm not really fond in building and making things. Cutting, sawing, and carving are just not my thing, which explains why I never had any pottery class. However, the first two projects seemed to be a fun thing to do! The first project involves carving a name out of a 0.5 inch MDF wood using the band saw. Frankly though, I hate the earsplitting sound of the blade cutting through the material. That machine doesn't seem so friendly.
But I'm pretty fond of how it turns out!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
SP 13: The Other Side of LA - Pt 1
I might have mentioned this but Elda and I originally planned on going on Chicago, but then something happened and I wasn't able to go to Chicago anymore. In solution to that, Elda decided to come to LA to pay me a visit.
Elda would be coming on May 10, 2013 at
noon. I was ready to pick her up after my spring break work, but then
the managing director of Graphic Design department requested that I
attend the departmental orientation to share some tips for the new
students. And that happened at noon. I only came in the beginning
before leaving to LAX to pick Elda up at around 12.30 pm.
For your information, that was actually
the first legit day of me driving on freeways on my own. I don't
usually have enough balls to take freeways and as an alternative for
that, I always take local routes, which sometimes can be a solution
to the jam in freeway, but it commonly takes more time than freeways.
Or sometimes, I drive in freeways with a companion.
Los Angeles,
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Oh nanny...
Good news is, I finished my type homework that's still due in a week!!
Bad news is, I will use band saw tomorrow or on Friday. Yes, band SAW :s
I'd like to dedicate this post to one special lady that has contributed a lot to most of my childhood to early teen life. Why? Because she just randomly popped out of nowhere in my nap's dream today, and that was the umpteenth time she appeared in any of my dream. Umpteenth. Yes.
Bad news is, I will use band saw tomorrow or on Friday. Yes, band SAW :s
I'd like to dedicate this post to one special lady that has contributed a lot to most of my childhood to early teen life. Why? Because she just randomly popped out of nowhere in my nap's dream today, and that was the umpteenth time she appeared in any of my dream. Umpteenth. Yes.
SP 13: Back to the Studios - Pt 2
Previously: When Eunyoung agreed she'd like to go to Universal, this ride was the first thing that came to mind, especially the night before, Aymee told me how awesome the ride was (she went there on Christmas break). On the way to where the Transformers ride was, we bumped into the directory board where it says that the wait time for Transformerswould take up until an hour.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
it. I could barely sleep last night because of the high anticipation
of Transformers.
The directory board
never lies, and when I said it, I mean it, because the line really
took almost an hour. The line went through endless rooms, before we
finally came to a narrow basement where the loading station was.
OMG, I'm not
kidding, the ride was FUDGING AWESOME!! It wasn't as short as I
expected so the long wait really pays off. It was totally unexpected.
I thought it would be like a normal motion simulator ride where the
cart just stayed there and the technical arms did the job. But no, it
was a dark ride, like the one you commonly see in Disneyland, unless
there were no traditional animatronics, but instead, we were taken to
rooms full of giant screens and each screen has its own narrative.
And of course, everything was in 3D...no, 4D! Considering there were
some special effects happening, stuff like warm heat, water effects,
wind blowing sort of thing. But I was completely left speechless.
I've never seen such technology in any theme park rides before. The
idea was not as complicated, but combining the idea of 4D motion
simulator and dark ride is just GENIUS.
theme park,
universal studios,
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Crying my eyeballs out
What makes you...
Thursday, May 9, 2013
SP 13: Back to the Studios - pt 1
For those of you who follow my blog,
you might ask, why Universal again? Well, I explained the reasons in
my previous post, so I hope that answers your curiosity. The distance
and the affordable price are definitely the two main reasons why I
never get tired of going here.
The plan to Universal Studios was
considered to be quite sudden. It appeared literally out of nowhere.
It all started when I just got back from Davis and as I have
mentioned in my previous post, I was literally alone for four
consecutive days. My roommates are going back to their hometowns, my
close friends had their own personal plans...so that basically leaves
me alone in Pasadena. So as a way to escape from “centuries” of
boredom and loneliness, I tried to contact whoever in my major that's
available to hang out. Turns out one of my closest friends in my
major, Eunyoung, is available during the break. I first initiated
that we go to Disneyland (my childish instinct just had to kick in,
sorry) or Universal Studios.
theme park,
universal studios,
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
British guys, why you so attractive?
![]() |
Andpop.com |
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Just Jared |
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Zimbio.com |
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Just wanted to share this to other Star Wars fans out there.
universal studios,
Eric is Here!
Kids, what do we do two weeks before finals?
This is probably one of the greatest guilty pleasure ever. Okay, this is the second greatest guilty pleasure after I lied to my high school faculty that I went to LA for a week to have an appointment with my future university.
The fact is, I went there for *duh* vacation.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Unified Diversity Soup
Surprised to see the new layout? Took me like 2 days to finish it off. But yay, I'm satisfied because I finally did something out of Illustrator and it turns out to be a vector art :D
Plus, slab serif is love!
Plus, slab serif is love!
Anyway, you remember that I mentioned about Julie and Julia movie yesterday, don't you? I became quite inspired by it and the fact that I finally resumed blogging is because of it. But it wasn't just it. Yesterday, I decided to restrain my craving of L&L's Loco Moco and cook instead. This time though, I was going to make a documentary out of it. This recipe is nothing new to me, but I thought I'd share it with you, especially if you happen to be busy college students who don't want to spend money for take-outs but you have left-over ingredients.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Mini Spring Break
Hey guys,
Guess what motivates me back to blogging. I just saw this movie Julie and Julia, in which one of the characters is a writer that frequently blogs about her cooking experience based on Julia Child's recipes. That was enough to get me back to writing in my blog.
The first week of break is over and I spent most of it traveling out of Socal. As I mentioned, I made two trips to Bay Area. The first trip includes a visit to San Francisco, and the second visit includes going to Davis, Sacramento, and even traveling back to South Bay (San Jose and Cupertino), which I considered very much as my second home. Now that it's already the second week and I've been spending my time at home, trying to do something active, like building a portfolio website. But then I realized I'm still a third term graphic design student and a professional portfolio website is still way not compatible to my designing skill as of now. So yeah, I'm going back to Behance.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
When Sambal Becomes Sriracha
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Mellow oldies
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Ideas are everywhere, literally..except...
These past few weeks, my roommate and I have been working profusely on our Design 2 midterm, which includes 6 different abstract compositions made into different formats of artwork (print, painting, installation, sculpture, 3D work). Basically, we need to convey the 4x4" mockups that I posted previously on this blog into a real artwork.
It's pretty hard to find ideas on what to do for these 6 compositions in color, like what materials to choose from and how you are going to execute them. The class professor suggested that the students should go out and do some activities to draw inspiration. For example, my roommate and I went to Orchard Supply Hardware to look for materials. The variety of materials the store has suddenly showered both of us with some ideas of materials and format to work on for this project.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Dots, lines, and tricks
I still don't have a chance to continue my North Sumatra story. Things have been quite hectic, particularly for one class. Yep, Design 2 has been energy and idea drenching for the past four weeks, where we all had to come up with 30 4"x4" abstract compositions. The requirements for each compositions vary, and so are the concepts.
Compositions: Symmetry, Asymmetry, Figure on Ground, Figure and Ground, Depth Gestallt, Pattern based on a decade (I chose 1920s), Unity by Diversity
Color/Temperatures: Emphasis by Hue, Emphasis by Tint/Shades/Tones,
Emphasis by Saturation
Concepts: Anomaly, Technology, Dynamic, Luxury (I screwed this one)
Saturday, February 9, 2013
The Perks of Being in a Photography Class
So after collecting enough money (well, some of them are part of my parents' contribution), I finally got my first legit DSLR camera. I actually am a little hesitated to get it because my dad already got one but he kept it with him in Indonesia to fulfill his fondness in photography.
Since this term I'm taking photography class (and as mentioned by another photography professor that a graphic designer should be equipped with at least a good quality DSLR camera for photo references), I got one as well.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Horas North Sumatra (pt 2)
The next day after our arrival in North
Sumatra would be energy spending, as we were all going on a full-day
trip around Brastagi. I actually underestimated this town in the
first place, but the visit proved me wrong. There was a lot to take a
look in Brastagi. Anyway, our journey started with an early breakfast
at the hotel, as usual. I had a plate of omelet and fried rice to
kick off my day. My dad apparently already took off earlier in the
morning for a stroll. The clear, unpolluted sky in the morning
allowed him to take a snapshot of a nearby mountain which the hotel
Once the breakfast was done, we set off
on our first destination of the day. I was made curious with brief
mentions from others that we were going to see some sort of a “golden
temple”. A place like that in this
pretty isolated hillside place almost sounds impossible. However,
when the van started to enter a smaller road with rough surface, a
glimpse of blinding gold color reflected by a tall object in the far
distance caught my eye.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Horas North Sumatra! (pt 1)
On December 27, 2012, two days after Christmas (6 days after "the apocalypse"), I woke up early in the morning, around 6 am. I couldn't believe our flight was actually at 9 am and at that moment, I doubted if we'd make it on time for the flight. However, since it was going to be a domestic flight, so I assumed the check-in process and everything would take shorter time than the international one.
My family and I hitched on a cab to the airport, where we soon met with The Gunawan family and The Tanu family. So there were around 9 people in our trip:
Monday, January 21, 2013
The Ugliest Moment: A Flu+Homesick+Jetlag Story
I'm glad I'm halfway through completing
my first Design 2 assignment. I know halfway is actually still a long
way to go, but I just feel like writing something.
The semester started off quite roughly
for me, and even you can say it's one of the worst times I've had in
my almost three years of living in US. Over last week, I got back
from Indonesia. Up to the part when I reached my apartment, greeted
my roommate who was already back here from SF, and unpacked, was
still okay. I had anticipated the jetlag and all, but the worse part
came the next day.
After trying to sleep at 3 am after
unpacking stuff from my gigantic green suitcase. By the way, I did
wake up at 5 am in a still okay condition, but that was merely
because of jetlag and it's a common issue. Like I said, I've
anticipated that. I heard stories of my friends that were still wide
awake at dawn after going back from Indonesia to the states, but in
my case, I already slept beforehand and woke up at 5 am. Adjusting
your body's circadian rhythm to the local time does take time. Right
at that time when I initially woke up, I had the weirdest feeling one
could ever feel at 5 am. I was hungry, and I could tell that by the
funny, grumbling noises from my stomach.
MLK day
Long weekend is always everyone's favorite. It's simply the perfect time to loosen up a bit from your work aka procrastinating. I just finished Type 2 homework, but I think I need to put some more effort to it since I did it a little too fast. Homework starts coming and I'm currently and slowly gathering my determination to work on them.
Anyway, tomorrow, we have a day off. It's Martin Luther King Day. I'm glad we finally have a day off despite the fact that it's going to be the only holiday of the semester, and that we just kicked off the semester last week... at least for my school. Probably other universities and schools will have more holidays later in the semester. I was surprised that the semester kicked off really well. Well, I was sick - completely bedridden for three days - last week when I just got here from Indonesia, but the week after was surprisingly amazing. I hung out two days consecutively.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Transit is boring
Monday, January 7, 2013
Souvenirs from Sumatra
Hey guess what!! First post from my trip back home to Indonesia!
Photography has always been my second passion in art after graphic design (Illustration too). I was suppose to develop my graphic design skills during this break, which I did, by designing an invitation for my cousin's wedding. However, whenever I'm exposed to my dad's DSLR camera, this little guy always keeps me busy with it.
I was lucky enough to go to North Sumatra for New Year's trip, and challenged my skill in photography. (These pictures are divided into series)
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