Monday, June 14, 2010

The Visa Application Story

From left to right:
my paper, Live-in book, and year-book! Wow, the year book looks surprisingly so exquisite :)

Yesterday I went to US Embassy to apply for student visa. Yes, I'm taking off on early August. Aww...

I've applied for visa last year though, but it was a tourist visa, and I did that with my mother. So I practically stuck up with her while watching her handling all the documents all by herself, but this year, since I was about to apply for a student visa, I had to do it all by myself. Nervous? Absolutely.

Anyway, the good thing about applying for visa yesterday was, I got to meet new friends who had the same purpose of going to the embassy, which was applying for student visa. So I no longer felt as nervous as I was before.
There were Febri, who had almost completed her studies in Beijing, Arman, and Pavita, who turned out she went to the same school as my cousin.

It's a small world after all, isn't it?

Even Arman seemed to have recognized all of my classmates and most of the students graduated from my middle school and my high school. That was VERY surprising.

Well, we happened to be in the same group of interview. So it was a good thing. We chatted in the waiting room, talking about our friends that we happened to recognize before getting summoned to the interview box. When it finally came to my turn, I began to feel all nervous and tense. I've heard many stories of those whose visa got rejected. Even in my last year's interview, the interviewer asked so many questions to my mom and I. Well, investigate was the right word for that.

Anyway for this interview, turned out that the interviewer was really nice! When he asked what my parents did, I replied that my mom worked for this particular company that had a connection with the USA. He was like. "Oh really, what's her name?" I recited my mom's name but then he simply went. "Oh I don't know her." all of the applicants lining up behind me and myself just burst into laughter.

Even the interviewer questioned Arman, whose turn was before mine, about going to Wisconsin. The interviewer commented that it was a very cold place, but Arman simply said that he could cope with it. But then there was a pause when the interviewer curiously stared at Arman, and asked again - confirming.
"Are you sure you're going to Wisconsin?" And the bunch of other applicants watching the conversation went laughing.

It was really funny! I didn't know an interview that I'd thought would be really nerve-wracking would be so relaxing and went all smoothly.

So thank goodness I got the visa and that the interview only lasted for less than 2 minutes. :)
Returning from visa applying, I took a rest for a while before going to PIM 2 to have a jam session with my fellow violinists friends :D. We were actually practicing for the upcoming concert on August.

By the way, I'm having a sorethroat right now, and just this morning, I woke up with sniffling sound coming from my nose.

Oh no, I catch a cold TT____TT *sneezes*

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