Saturday, June 19, 2010

Aw shoot

My Kick-ass DVD jammed when it was midway of the movie and it happened on 11.30 pm. Worse, it was on my (probably) favorite scene, when the character Hit Girl was introduced. Nice. I tried to fast forward it but it seemed it jammed all the way to the end of the movie. Um, that's better.

Tonight's not really my weekend. Let me tell you why.
Well, first, I woke up very late in the morning, which was on 9.30 am. Actually I had woken up earlier but I felt friggin' tired since I got home last night at 12.30 am and crashed on bed at 1.30 am. I hated it when I already woke up in the morning, still felt tired, and got asleep again for like one hour.

Then I felt kind of exhausted in the afternoon even I didn't have any energies to do the packing for my study tour to Taiwan coming up on Monday. THIS Monday. Oh, and remember when I told you I had a cold? Seemed like it got worse this afternoon. Perhaps that's why I felt very weak while I was doing the packing. Thankfully, it didn't go on not until I took some time to take a nap.

The ballet jazz dance session didn't go well either. I was late. I didn't get to be on the front row and we all got to dance for one and a half hour nonstop. I didn't know what popped in the mind of our dance instructor that she had to get us dancing that long without a less-than-a-minute break just for a sip of water. Even sillier, just five minutes before the session was over, she told us to take a break for a moment just to drink. Five freaking minutes before the session was over.

I felt like fainting at that moment.

Then my cousin called me, saying that she wanted me to come over to her house to help her packing (she joins the same study tour as I do) and planned that we'd watch New Moon after that. But then somehow my cousin cancelled the New Moon watching plan since she had a dinner somewhere. However, I did come over to her house for a while, but disappointed that I didn't get to spend my weekend night with them.

My mom was off to attend a gathering with her friends. Well, I thought I'd spend the rest of my weekend night going to a cafe or to a hotel's coffee shop to watch the World Cup match together, you know, with the rest of football mania and the place where I'd probably be the only girl watching this whole rough sport called football, since I thought this would be my last night in Indonesia during World Cup season. On Monday, I'll be taking off to Taiwan and I'll spend the rest of World Cup days there.

Hopefully my friends would at least be fans of football and when it's time to watch World Cup match, we'd watch it together.

But then my dad got sick. My flu turned out to be contagious and has apparently affected him. Frankly I can't blame him for not accompanying me spend the rest of the weekend night. He needs some rest.

Then I went browsing the internet, thanks to the neighbor as I had mentioned him or her earlier in my previous post. He or she is the one who has at least made my weekend night (oh wait, it's already Sunday). Afterwards I decided to watch Kick-ass. But then, yes, it's all coming back to the beginning of the post.

I thought that I'd probably change to another movie. August Rush. But turns out I wasn't in the mood to watch a drama movie, and the fact that it was already late at night to start another movie made me practically press 'Stop' and got myself plopped in front of the computer, returned to blogging as an escape for tonight.

What a weekend huh? Hope today's gonna be great. I know that my older cousin also canceled the plan of watching Wonder Girls with me, but I can understand that she did that for a good reason. But we never know, there could be a change in the plan.

Anyway, I hope the best for your weekend as well. :)

P.S: My phone network hasn't worked up until this moment. I tried to unplug the battery and put it back in, then turn it on but still none results. So right now I couldn't receive any messages, and could only tweet from web.

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