Monday, June 7, 2010

CITY TOUR part 2

Part 2! Wow so fast. LOL.
Day 2 of city tour began a bit late in the morning. Five of my friends hadn't arrived even after the other buses left. So basically my friend, the homeroom teacher, and I had to call them twice to make sure they'd come to school sooner.

Anyway after they had arrived, we quickly took off. At first, we were all surprised to know about the cancellation of our tour appointment in SCTV. So we gotta think of a place of interest to replace it.

Our homeroom teacher came up with the idea to go to this certain museum he happened to have looked up from the internet. It was called Museum Bank Indonesia. So if you read my previous post about my visit there with my friends, yes, I'd been there before, exactly on this second day of city tour.
Our homeroom teacher practically commented that it was a great museum. We hoped the museum would be kind of promising, at least unlike other boring ones. LOL

The museum was located at Kota Tua.
Boy, when we entered it, a blast of cool air struck from the inside!! (feeling dejavu reading this sentence?).
We didn't have to pay for the admission and we had to skip the theatre room, then we quickly entered the maze. Pretty much the same as my description in the previous post.

Too bad we didn't take pictures there.

The next destination was Ancol! It was about 11 o'clock the moment we exited the museum. We got the news that other classes were still en route to another destination before Ancol. We planned to meet up at Dufan Theme Park.
But since Kota Tua was pretty near from Ancol, we decided that we'd go there first, maybe had lunch there while waiting for the other girls to arrive.

Arriving at Ancol, we didn't go straight to Dufan but we went to Pantai Carnival first, where we stopped by A&W to munch some snacks while our homeroom teacher wandered off alone. LOL.

You wouldn't imagine that seven girls that you saw having lunch in a quiet A&W resto would be a class group on outing. After we had our appetizer time, we moved on to a Padang restaurant to have lunch for real, I mean involving rice and everything as main courses.
Not long after that, we soon received the news from text message that other classes had entered the complex of Ancol. We soon finished our lunch and prepared to meet them at Dufan entrance.

You should've seen us when we met each other! Other students seemed to have changed their uniforms to more casual outfits (hello, we're going to a theme park). We practically hugged each other as if we hadn't met for years. LOL.
Well, I shouldn't have said that, because when I got to meet my friends, I hugged them too. How silly of me saying that.

We went straight to the ticket booth, purchased the tickets, and entered the fun zone right away. But as for me and my six friends, we gotta change our uniforms first.

...LET the fun BEGAN!!!!

We rode sooo many rides, but some extreme rides were only ridden by one friend of mine who had the guts of an iron (forgive my lame metaphor). The first ride was an indoor ride similar to Disneyland's It's a Small World.
Well, I gotta say some rides were highly inspired by existing rides in Universal Studios or Disneyland.

After that, basically we got to ride other rides, stuff like Niagara gara (a log flume ride). Again of four of my friends, only one dared to ride on this. So basically we waited in front of the ride, waiting for her boat to fall and descended so that we could capture her on video.

Then we rode on Pontang Panting, where we sat on a seat resembling a playground's swing, then we would be spun around. Not recommended for those who are spinning-sensitives. Some other rides involved Rumah Miring (tilted house) where we basically went into narrow hallways where when it got deeper, the floor got tilted sideways. Then we got to visit Rumah Jahil, a maze of mirrors that got us all trapped. We happened to take pictures in it LOL.

Other rides involved Perang Bintang, which struck me as the best ride in Dufan, because I was into dark rides where we rode on a moving platform and shot some aliens. Too bad my so-called gun that we had to use to shoot the aliens didn't work.

Then we moved to a 4D ride called Extreme Log (the show was changeable. I last heard that it was now changed into Journey to the Center of the Earth). Due to the long queue, we happened to take pictures in the line.

The short plotless movie actually followed the story of a log being transferred from one place to another. The seats frantically moved and shook following the what the log experienced. LOL.

Also, a friend of mine that I mentioned to have the guts of an iron got on Kicir Kicir ride and Tornado. Take a look at these. These pictures are pictures of my friend (in the picture above, she's the one in the orange shirt with a 'rock on' sign) being lifted and spun in the air.

Unfortunately time flew so fast when we enjoyed ourselves. The sky darkened and the last ride we rode was Kora Kora.

So basically that concluded our day and city tour. We got home and got stuck in the middle of a mad traffic jam. We did arrive at school at 8 PM. Wow.

<< Part 1

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