Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Greatest Guilty Pleasures (Vol. 1?)

I'm bored tonight, currently working on my paper. Suddenly I feel like posting, again. A bit tired tonight, but it's a short post after all. So, why not?

So this time, I'm going to reveal some of my greatest guilty pleasures. For those who don't know what guilty pleasure is, it's something that you feel guilty for doing, but in the other side you enjoy it. For example, you're on a tight diet schedule but secretly you steal some chocolate bars from the fridge and eat them.

And actually I've been wanting to post something about these guilty pleasures. But I've never had the chance, until tonight!

OK, without further ado, here are my guilty pleasures. Starting from number one, the 'greatest' one I've ever had.
  1. Skipping classes for a week only to go for a vacation to the US with my parents
    (see 'My Feb US Trip' posts for more stories and details about it).
    This is the greatest guilty pleasure I've ever had, because I needed to lie here and there. People kept asking me where I was going, and I just told them "I'm going out of town". I only told my real destinations to my close friends and teachers. One of the teachers, who is concerned much about me in a good way, begged for me not to go if the purpose of my leave was not really important. But I told her and the others that I was looking up for some schools there and gained knowledge about American culture (this one is for real, not just some excuses, the fact that I went there to learn more about the culture, the people, and how to develop my individuality, because basically, once I was there, my mom sort of 'left' me for most of the time, leading me to ask for directions to some strangers, friendly ones though).

  2. Taking French course out of mom's supervision
    My second greatest guilty pleasure and I've been doing this for more than four months! So it all started when I was in grade 11. My friends all took French course and I begged my mom so she could permit me to join it as well. But my mom strongly disagreed and thought that learning French was useless (despite the fact that she - too - could actually talk French). Only dad knows about this and he gave it a go. Since I'm not so sure if I can frequently attend the class, I decided to pay the teacher per appointment, which is very useful! Anyway, I take French along with a friend of mine, who has taken it before but then quit, and now she resumes it. So sometimes, I like to bring out some French words while I'm with my family. Maybe, my mom will be like "What the...? How can she speak French?? Who teaches her?" Haha something like that.And also, I take French every Friday after school, and you know that my mom always 'watches over' me. She always makes a call every after school only to assure if I'm already home. But while I'm taking French course and she calls, I have to make fake excuses for that, for example, saying that there's a sudden activity at school, that requires me to go home late, something like that. Basically I become quite clever and manipulative in this case :)

  3. Watching Kissing Scenes only to get a muse in writing Love Scene
    One thing you should know about me: I'm not horny. I'm a girl. I'm clean. But I watch kissing scene sometimes when I need to. Okay, when I say 'I need to', I mean it. I don't watch it only for leisure or just to get horny. I believe that there's always something that we can learn from things and that everything always has its advantage. I'm a writer, and sometimes, in my book, there are a few kissing scenes. Writing a kissing scene isn't like "So the girl went up to the boy and kissed him". Even a writer needs a visualization. To be honest, writing a kissing scene is like the most difficult thing to write in a book, because it requires a complex and descriptive words. To help me with this, I also browse for some good 'kissing descriptions' on google. How to describe a kissing scene. But besides that, I also need to see how a real kiss is like. So I go to Youtube, and browse for some kissing scenes, not too hot, of course. Only normal ones, like Twilight kissing scene, or Star Wars kissing scene. They're brief but passionate enough.

    Get it? Eh??
Well, that's all for now. Hope you enjoy my post at 10.00 pm. See you.


  1. ahahahahha
    yang nomer 3 xDDD

  2. haha...iya bu, tapi gw ga horny buu...cuman butuh visualisasi aja. itu juga yang ciuman biasa, ga sampe yang lebay banget. hahaha...
