Guess what...
Oh the joy of having it back...indescribable :'D
Last weekend was a long weekend since Monday was off due to Memorial Day holiday. I didn't do anything much but at least I did a bit of traveling, like on Friday, I went to Davis with my friends to help them hunt an apartment. As for the day after, I literally just confined myself at home (had a little determination to study for Business exam coming up on the week after)
On Sunday, my friend invited me for a BBQ potluck at his residence.
It was a lot of fun! There were people from ISV and from the senate coalition coming together just to celebrate the long weekend, something we rarely have in this college daily life lol. Sounds lame enough?
The first five people who came to the party woot woot |
More people came and guess what it means...MORE FOOD! Food was literally all over the place and they keep coming. My friends got some bubble teas, ice creams, beer, ribs, sausages, chicken wings, shrimp, and there were still lots more to gorge. I've never had beer in daytime before, and drinking it feels as good as having it in the nighttime!
Swim time! The BBQ pit where we were throwing a party was right next to a swimming pool. Some fellows had a chance to swim around...but wait till you see the surprise...
Speaking of swimming, well, it's always a fun time to tease some friends of us who went for swimming, since we would get to see them shirtless (it's the same as seeing your every-day-normal-casually-dressed friend at a party where she wears a completely flashy clothing). Back to the event, a friend of mine was cheeky enough to point at my other friend, who obviously seemed embarrassed enough to be seen shirtless (because he was walking around the BBQ pit trying to cover himself with his arms), while saying. "Oh look at fat." We all literally broke into laughter since she said it in a genuine and modest way. lol at you.
Not sure if he's sleeping or just wants to look COOL |
I did mention about the surprise right?? And this is what I'm talking about: throwing people to the pool by force YAY!!!
Jihoon, ISV's internal VP, is our first victim. And look, the girls are the ones doing the job! |
The joy of throwing girls so easily to the pool |
This time...Zoey... |
What's the point of kicking someone who's already in the pool? |
An attempt to draw Catfish to the pool |
Photobomb level: Siyun eating...
Peeping Catfish...with her action spotted by Siyun from behind. |
Photobomb level: Jihoon. lol |
More food and BBQ pictures coming!!!
Everybody's having such a good time :) |
Some guys just can't resist to have a...sort of self-portrait.
So introducing Jack.
This is Jack |
Kathe's "mistresses" lol |
United Nation! From left to right: Vietnam, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, China, Indonesia |
H&M shoe owners UNITE! Wait, since when did we have a Toms? |
Kathe shines once more |
(Note: she just arrived, she had no idea what was going on, and she didn't even get a chance to munch on the food yet)
Amy looked better moments after she got lent some clothes to change by Kathe |
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Taken from Maylea's camera |
Luke suggested that we went night hiking to Hunter's Point.
Night hiking...hmm sounds legit.
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Then it was decided. Some people needed to go home first or dropped by at a friend's house to wait for the meeting time (we were supposed to meet and take off to Hunter's Point hiking range from Lynn's house at 9). Luke, Siyun, and Agnes crashed into my place where I was able to retrieve my flashlight for the hiking. We waited here until 9, which was only a thirty minute of wait before we took off to Lynn's place to meet with others.
I had a bit of noodle shared with some other people at Lynn's just before we left. Zoey made the noodle for us, and I'm telling you, she's such a fine cook! She added some leftover kimchi to the noodle, which literally turned the once-so-plain noodle into a distinctive flavor of kimchi!
Lynn and Zoey were also kind enough to lend some of us some socks and unclosed shoes (sneakers and sport shoes mostly), because some people like me weren't prepared for hiking and seeing that the plan came up all of a sudden.
Anyways, around 11 of people took off from Lynn's all the way to Hunter's Point.
Darn it was REALLY DARK in the parking lot! It took me a moment to realize that I've been there before, for an environmental science field trip. However, of course, I went there on a fine daytime, not in a pure darkness like this. There was no light at all, and I got a bit crept out. At first, I kinda thought hiking in the night was illegal, but Luke said it's been a normal situation for some people who loved hiking here, so this activity should be safe.
Everyone paired up to climb up to the Hunter's Point, our ultimate destination of the day.
I paired up with Siyun, equipped ourselves with the flashlight I picked up at home, whom I thought she was going to be a safe partner, not until she said "Wooo it reminds me of a scene in Cabin in the Woods!" excitingly. She didn't stop torturing me and Luke (who walked right behind Siyun and me) with her horror stories threat.... -_-
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Once we got there, I thought we would only take a quick moment of taking pictures, but apparently the stay got a bit longer than expected. Even much to my surprise, we ended up drinking some beer and chocolate milk. By midnight, we cheered because for some guys in the senate coalition, midnight marks the closing of the voting. I crossed my fingers for everyone in the coalition to pass the election and achieve their desired senate positions :) They all worked so hard during the campaign days.
These pictures were not really clear, because I was trying out the flash feature of my camera phone, and it worked!
Before we left, Kathe suggested that we played a little game where everyone should team up and come up with a song to dance too. Haha, this is probably the most random game I've ever played,. The chilly air only made the dance movements better, as the spontaneous trembles eventually leads to some random dance movements. Apparently some people decided to do that to brush off the chilly feeling, which is a nice idea :)
Siyun and I paired up again. I forgot what we danced to. Well, it was some random techno music, the one that you often hear in nightclubs. The game later ended with everyone of us dancing randomly to shuffled techno music. Some guys swung the flashlights and phone lights all over place to make a nightclub vibe (yeah the dark little clearing on top of the hill abruptly turned into a mini outdoor nightclub. Fyi, the temperature was approx. 13 degrees celcius ~_~)
I was more worried that the swinging lights will attract mountain lions, since I noticed a mountain lion warning sign somewhere on my previous visit to Hunter's Point.
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Best picture of the day. Four "ghosts" spotted here: The transparent ones: Channon, Eric The head-biting one: Catfish The floating head illusion: Lynn |
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Amy: oh look, it's a bird, no it's a plane, no it's...KATHE! |
On the way back to the parking lot, Kathe told everyone to shut off the flashlights. I was like WTF, that's going to be hella dangerous. Apparently, the later the night gets, the crazier people get. I hoped some people who came up with this idea were still in their sober state so their logic could still work out on them. The plan didn't work out though, as it was inevitable for us not to turn on the flashlights. i mean IT WAS SOOO DARK!!! Climbing down the path was certainly hazardous, no matter how mild the terrain really was.
Well, that was the end of our crazy memorial day holiday, where it began with a BBQ and ended up with some crazy adventure in the darkness of the wild (sounds dramatic enough). We all went back to our homes.
Catch you guys later!^^
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