Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Awake and sober

It's been a while since I haven't posted a general post just to say hi to you guys.
Just to keep you posted.

Nothing much happens to me these days, except my friends and I went out for barbecue on the weekend. But then I have to welcome the first busy week of the whole quarter which is exactly this week. The truth is, I've got three exams this week. One of them is a quiz to be exact, which required skills to memorize 1223467234 terms. Well, not that much of course, but you get the idea.

I kind of hate my English skills are heading to these days, I mean orally. Cos all of a sudden, my natural accent went 'poof'. Even it reached the point where I heard myself speaking in Singaporean/Indonesian/Javanese accent all of a sudden during Web Design spontaneous presentation. A lot of 'uhms' and 'errs' might be excused, accents? That's another story.

Not that I feel embarrassed, but I guess at least now I know how I talk naturally when I'm lazy enough to use my natural accent. But really, I'm not faking my American accent. I grew up watching tons of American movies and instinctively picked up the way Americans speak. It sort of stuck in me.

Another factor might be laziness. Speaking of laziness, Bruno Mars just released a song that pretty much depicts most of people's life when they are in lazy mode. The lyrics exactly match why lazy habit, so yeah, I guess you can relate it to yours too.

I've been wondering why most of my friends are into Tetris these days. I mean, it's a classical game and not my favorite one either. So I decided to give it a try one day and guess what, I got super addicted to the game!!! Well, not that addicted, but for a non-gamer like me, playing 6 rounds non stop is considered an addiction.

Currently, I'm on Level 12. My friends' levels are waaaaaayyy higher than mine that I feel a little intimidated. Often do I get annoyed with this game cos everytime you lose, you'll lose a point and if you keep on losing, your level will downgrade to the level below your current level. Also, everytime your opponent gets matching pieces that they need, I always get the opposite, which often leads me to being KOed. Sounds like the game is biased enough, eh? So, due to that game system, I always win but then I lose, I win, I lose, I win, I lose.

I assume the game must have something to do with conspiracy.

Here's something else I want to share with you guys too. But don't laugh at it okay?

I'm telling you: I'm a terrible cook. My "piece of art" may be exquisite-looking - a little too crowded for sure - to you but if you take a closer look, it consists of nothing but bunch of unrelated dishes, ranging from fish balls, fish cakes, crab sticks, mushrooms, carrots, spinach, potato, and a whole lot more. I'm a soup person. I always cook soup and suck at cook something else (I can, but it won't taste as good as my soup).
Even after I saw the picture I just took, I was like "F*ck, what the hell is this???"

If you ask what kind of food that is above you, I wouldn't give you the exact answer cos even I don't know what exactly that I cooked!

I guess it's safe to say that it's a combination of miso soup, fish ball soup, and vegetable soup. Well, I don't have the proper name for that but I'll let you define it by yourself.

My roommate Elda is way better in cooking. Go check her blog and I'll let you drool over her cooking.

One more thing before I'm signing off, since my history notes have been calling out for me:

Phiew...well, the homecoming story isn't even finished and I'm going back again? Time flies so fast, huh. It feels as if I just got back to Indonesia yesterday. It's pretty contradictory for some people I guess. Not that I don't miss my home country. In fact, I really do miss a lot of things that I still can't find here. The list is gonna be very long, you wouldn't want to read it now in this post.

Night/Morning/Evening/Afternoon peeps!

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