Wednesday, February 1, 2012

panda eyes


I'm truly sorry that I've been missing for sooooo long. Wow that feels like ages, doesn't it? How are you guys doing so far? Hope everything goes well.

Well, first of all, Happy Super-Belated New Year. I know it's even meaningless to say so now seeing that we're entering the second month of the year already.

Anyway, onto a more serious business. It's sad for me to say that I'm not so sure if I can blog frequently like I did before for the next few weeks till two months. Well, as you guys may recall, I used to blog like crazy a couple of months ago before I stopped on around October for no reason. I wasn't really busy those days but it's just I had no muse in blogging -.-

I'm telling you why. There are three things:
  1. I have TOEFL test in a matter of weeks and I have even barely touched the prep book...yet

  2. I'm taking 2 arts classes this quarter. 3 units each. You say, oh it doesn't sound cos normally a class has 4-5 units. But seriously, the art projects are way more demanding that what the units are worth. So, lesson learned: never underestimate the amount of units.

  3. In addition to the art classes, I'm taking 3 General Education classes. Each has more unit but strangely, less homework. But still, I need to put a lot of effort to them to get As :)

    need to say more?
    I'm applying to bunch of universities and art schools now.
    ~Good stuff: I'm halfway to clearing up all my university applications. Yipee! I got two more tough applications to tough schools xD

    ~Bad stuff: Unlike normal universities where you can just submit your personal statements, transcripts, and everything in a flash, art schools require portfolio and sometimes one or TWO letters of recommendation. Even some schools require specific drawings. Quadruple the work? Definitely. But hopefully the results would turn out good *fingerscrossed*
Life after Christmas break was crazeeeeh.... I finished some of uni applications before the break but more coming afterwards! Hectic hectic hectic! Hopefully things would be settling down for real at around mid-March, cos that's when I estimate that my sources of hectic-ness will come to a stop. By then I'm sure to continue blogging like crazy and be even more productive in writing!

Well, I'm not saying I'm going to completely stop blogging. Between now and March, I'll probably post once a week if possible to keep this blog alive and running.

On the bright side, I'm bringing you some good news...

I definitely had a great time during the break and I would really love to share it to you guys. So hopefully I'll get to post the stories as soon as possible! Enthralling stories, cool pictures to come! Stay tuned!

By the way, check out this video.
How creepy that I see my mom figure in that guy.

"So skinny you need to eat more..." (yea right)

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