Conversation between me and my dad over Skype:
Me: "How will I be able to see the pictures from yesterday's event?"
Dad: "Hold on for a second, I'm tagging you on them (on Facebook) now." *pauses* "Wait, what's your name again?"
(My dad's possibly having trouble looking for my full name in order to tag me on those pics)
OMG, my dad forgot his own daughter's name T_T
OMG, my dad forgot his own daughter's name T_T
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Random conversation among me and 3 of my friends during playing a race game on PS.
2 of my friends are Indonesians, another one is a Malay.
2 of my friends are Indonesians, another one is a Malay.
Everyone: *hands on joysticks, eyes on the screen*If you don't know about this "joke", that's because it actually isn't a joke. It's true that Maternity Hospital is Malay (I just double-checked it to Friend #2, to make sure that the Malay word for it isn't merely something made up by Indonesian people). So it's more like British people have "rubbish" and Americans have "garbage".
Friend #1 (She's Indonesian): innocently "Hey, you know what? Another Indonesian classmate introduced this Malay word to me in the class."
Friend #2 (He's Malay): "What is it?"
Friend #1: "Rumah Sakit Korban Lelaki." (literally means "Hospital for the Victims of Men", but it actually means "Maternity Hospital". Quite ironic, eh?)
*awkward pause, suddenly...*
Me and another Indonesian friend (Friend #3): HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA
Me: *to Friend #2* "Is it really how you say it in Malay?"
Friend #2: *slightly embarrassed, I can tell* "Yes, it's actually true, or Klinik Ibu dan Anak (Mother and Child Clinic). How do you say that in Indonesian?"
Me: "We call it 'Rumah Sakit Bersalin'."
Friend #1: "But the Malay word for it makes an impression as if the guys there (in Malaysia) are all bad."
Everyone else: .....
It's just that the phrase actually sounds funny to Indonesians. Since especially Indonesian people grow resent towards Malay since Malay people are said to have adopted and claimed Indonesian culture as theirs), it has become a joke among Indonesian people.
But really, no offense on me bringing up about this "joke". The "joke" here actually lies on the fact that me and Friend #3 have certainly heard about this "joke" back in our home country as something we talk to our fellow Indonesians (local joke), but we never expected we would hear this "joke" brought up in the presence of a real Malay person.
I feel a bit bad to that guy though, but good thing his reaction is cool and okay towards it.
And no, despite the commotion between Indonesians and Malays these days (due to the cultural conflict), my Indonesian friends and I never develop this hatred feeling towards our Malay friend. We even act as if such a thing never exists!
So let there be peace between us!!! :)
I gotta say Part 1 was a little disappointing. Maybe that's because I'm not getting used to seeing movies that are cut off in the middle of the complication, thus we all have to wait for the latter portion of the movie several months ahead. I was a little nervous to see if the latter part of the movie will be as promising as most people say. Like everyone else, I wanted the final movie of the most intriguing saga of the decade to be brilliant. But in the end, all of my anxiety was answered positively.
Part 2 was absolutely, definitely intricate. I couldn't get more satisfied. All Potter fans are surely aware that Potter movies have got darker and darker each movie. As the final installment, you can guess that this movie is the darkest among the whole saga.
I read the novel, it's just that I forgot some parts of it because I only read it once and it was back the time when it was newly published. I'm pretty sure everything matches with the book, with some tiny parts that are cut off in the movie. The producers somehow try to fit all important details in the book to the movie that they want audience not to miss out (which leads to the movie being split up into two parts), and that's a good attempt. The several months of wait for the latter portion of the movie isn't wasteful.
The Battle of Hogwarts was also one of the tensest moments during the movie. The sense of unity among the wizards is strongly felt during the time where Hogwarts staff and Order of the Phoenix collaborated their power to create a shield to protect Hogwarts castle from Death Eaters' attack.
The latter portion of the movie resembles a war/disaster movie than the previous Harry Potter movies I knew before, seeing wizards and witches who were dying and injured due to the battle, lay on the stretchers in a Great turn-to-barrack Hall. The scene where Fred Weasley died as he was surrounded by his family, wasn't depicted to the fullest. Fred is one of the most important and loved Potter character and I guess, the director needs to include the scene how he died to add more emotional effect on the audience. But anyway, I definitely love the part where Molly Weasley bravely duelled with Bellatrix Lestrange and eventually killed her by dissolving into pieces.
Not to mention, one of the most awaited scenes in the whole Part 2 movie is, of course, the 19 Years Later scene. Audience have surely anticipated whether Warner Bros decided to replace the current actors with older ones. However, much to our surprise, the 30-something-year-old Potter and friends are still portrayed by Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Tom Felton, Bonnie Wright, and Rupert Grint!
You might wonder how could the teenage cast of Potter and friends portray the much older ones. Well, the make-up artists did all the job. They attempted to make Potter and friends as adult looking as possible.
Apparently, the make-up and appearance effect work out to all Daniel, Tom, Bonnie, and Rupert, except for Emma. Despite donning a mature trench coat, hand bag, and a hairstyle that hardly changes. No matter how they're trying to make Emma look out, it just doesn't work on her. She still looks slightly older than her age, and even everyone seems to agree that she acts more like a sister to "her" daughter, Rose.
Overall, the 19 Years Later scene is a scene where all Potter fans can reminisce back to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stone scene where Harry first boarded the train to Hogwarts. When I saw the scene, I felt dejavu and I felt like rewatching the Sorcerer Stone except the fact that it wasn't Harry who boarded the train, but his children instead.
Wow that's long...
The most impressive aspect of this part 2 is, it features a lot of flashbacks from the previous movies, especially the movie makes a lot of references to the very first movie. We all remember Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stone (the first installment) as heart-lightening without any dark elements. It's simply a movie for children and family.
But along the time, Harry Potter movies just got darker and more serious as the stories were altering and the characters were growing up. Watching Part 2 would be a great opportunity for Potter fans to reminisce to the very first movie. In Part 2 movie, we can all catch a few glimpses of elements featured in the first movie, such as the original Harry Potter theme song that gradually ceased in each movie, but in most of Part 2 movie, you'll get to hear lots of Harry Potter original theme song that most Potter fans have longed to hear since the early movies.
Visual Effects are no doubt anymore. Harry Potter series are popularly known for the amazing effects and gigantic set. The effect producers really pull it off in the last installment.
Overall, Part 2 is the most emotional Potter movie that successfully paralyzed me on my seat. It successfully captured all audience's emotion too, I believe. Thus, I give it rating:
Shortly after the movie was done, Eileena, Jennifer, Bella, and I took some pictures in know where girls these days like to take pictures while hanging out right? ^^
From left to right: Bella, Eileena, me, and Jennifer
We're not posing Glee's sign. But it's "7" instead, as in the Harry Potter 7.
Anyway, I'm so satisfied and sad at the same time. Satisfied because the final movie was beyond awesome, and sad because it concludes the whole chapters of Harry Potter movie series. I didn't go all emotional, sad, shedding tears after the movie finished, like some of people I heard. But you know the feeling when the saga you grow up with finally has to come to its end.
Here's a bit of not-really-an-artwork collage of mine dedicated to Harry Potter saga.