Friday, October 30, 2009

Poetic much?

That's right...I'm being so poetic these days.

I don't know why, but maybe some of you know that poem is definitely something that I really suck at. I can't write it and I can't even read it. Well, I have this funny yet embarrassing story of me reading out a poem and to tell the truth, it was actually a sad one. So you can imagine someone reading it out with a sad expression and a kind of voice that will strike you as if 'the reader almost cries reading it', and even some sobbing effect (it can be either fake or the reader really gets touched with the poem). A poem reader that can really mix the feel of the poem with her feeling, and even transfer it to the facial expression, is obviously considered as a good poem reader.

But what about me?

I'm totally different from what you think. The thing is, I always happen to laugh whenever the poem is sad. There are three reasons and indications why, and I can't still figure it out:

1. I laugh at my silly facial expression, that's because I always fail at making sad, almost-crying kind of expression, instead ends up making silly, soap-opera-ish expression.

2. I laugh at the poem itself. Either when I read out the poem, suddenly the thought of "This poem doesn't sound sad at all, instead, it sounds very silly" pops out in my head or the poem could be written by me (laughing at the silliness of the poem created by myself)

3. Reading out a poem requires a high intonation and some stresses in some parts of the poem. For example, when one part of the poem says "The war that rages in my heart" requires a high intonation, instead my voice would squeak in that part. Again, I always fail at making a convincing, high intonation.
And these three statements have been confirmed by my friends and even my literature teacher. They do acknowledge my flaws in poem. In fact, the latest news is, I was offered to join a German Poem Reading competition by my German teacher. She handed me over the poem for me to read it and of course, I couldn't understand it. Well, I did understand some words, but I doubt the meaning of the whole poem.

I was kind of hoping it wouldn't be a sad poem, because if yes, well, I doubt my performance would be really convincing. Besides, who wants to deal with sad facial expressions? That's the most difficult facial expression to make, after all.

Well, well, I guess I talked too much. Without further ado, I give poems!!! (see my next posts). They're not the best, compared to Dewi Lestari's or WS Rendra's, or, well, don't compare my poems to these professional poets. Even my poems are not better than a friend of mine. She really is a true poet, and you can see her blog listed under my 'Les Amis' section.

Anyway, the poems I'm about to show you are made for my literature assignment. Actually I wrote them to be published on the class' magazine and in fact, the magazine only needs one poem per student. But turns out I made two of them (inspiration comes at any time, anywhere, and I can't stop it from flowing ^_^).

But those two poems are definitely what I'm most proud of these days. :) So enjoy the poems.

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